Identity and Design System
Engendering Industries

Engendering Industries is a USAID program that helps businesses in male-dominated industries adopt gender equality initiatives. This helps women get promoted at the same rate as men and has shown to improve business performance.
The Best Practices Framework (BPF) was a long PDF of all the resources, references, and initiatives. In 2022, we transformed the BPF into a product that makes implementing gender equality initiatives and involving their employees easy.
Engage more users with initiatives and Engendering Industries' resources.
More users were engaging with the BPF as only 1,200 users viewed the original PDF. Mobomo was awarded additional funding to add more features to the BPF after stakeholders saw the launch as a success.
Through interviews, we found the digital BPF helped users find specific practices faster. Unanimously, people preferred the digital BPF over the PDF.
The Problem
The resource saw less than 4,000 views in the last year; a stark number compared to how many partners and people it ultimately touched (98 organizations globally). Leading weekly discovery sessions and gathering sessions with 2 key stakeholders, the Director of Communication and the Web/Digital Media Specialist, we identified these primary issues:
No Organization
There wasn’t a way for businesses to organize the initiatives they wanted to focus on.
Not Reaching Employees
Managers had to create separate resources to distribute information on initiatives so that employees were aware and involved.
Design Solutions
Improving the Exploration Experience
The BPF was a long excel list that users were having a hard time scrolling through practices. Not only did we hear frustrations of searching forever to find a specific practice, it was hard to share sections, too. By looking over existing digital frameworks, breaking the BPF into three separate page levels, Home > Phases > Practices, would be the best way for users to share initiatives.
Identity and Design System
Engendering Industries

Engendering Industries is a USAID program that helps businesses in male-dominated industries adopt gender equality initiatives. This helps women get promoted at the same rate as men and has shown to improve business performance.
The Best Practices Framework (BPF) was a long PDF of all the resources, references, and initiatives. In 2022, we transformed the BPF into a product that makes implementing gender equality initiatives and involving their employees easy.
Engage more users with initiatives and Engendering Industries' resources.
More users were engaging with the BPF as only 1,200 users viewed the original PDF. Mobomo was awarded additional funding to add more features to the BPF after stakeholders saw the launch as a success.
Through interviews, we found the digital BPF helped users find specific practices faster. Unanimously, people preferred the digital BPF over the PDF.
The Problem
The resource saw less than 4,000 views in the last year; a stark number compared to how many partners and people it ultimately touched (98 organizations globally). Leading weekly discovery sessions and gathering sessions with 2 key stakeholders, the Director of Communication and the Web/Digital Media Specialist, we identified these primary issues:
No Organization
There wasn’t a way for businesses to organize the initiatives they wanted to focus on.
Not Reaching Employees
Managers had to create separate resources to distribute information on initiatives so that employees were aware and involved.
Design Solutions
Improving the Exploration Experience
The BPF was a long excel list that users were having a hard time scrolling through practices. Not only did we hear frustrations of searching forever to find a specific practice, it was hard to share sections, too. By looking over existing digital frameworks, breaking the BPF into three separate page levels, Home > Phases > Practices, would be the best way for users to share initiatives.