Providing parents the ability to keep themselves and their child safe from school security threats

Preparing parents to deal with school security threats

Accommodating parents to help make schools a safer place

Safety Spotlight Concept at Motorola Solutions


School safety threats grow in frequency each year, and Motorola Solutions continues to innovate on security technology to protect students and staff. However, there lacks proper communication to parents about what school security technology and processes are in place. They're often times not aware of safety procedures which leads to numerous hazards like driving to a school during an active threat. I designed a platform that keeps parents in-the-loop with school security before, during, and after an active threat.


Product Designer, UX Researcher


1 week



I started by exploring two reports to learn about current school security challenges.

Motorola Solutions

K-12 School Safety 2023 Survey Report

PEW Research

U.S. School Security Procedures have Become More Widespread in Recent Years but are Still Unevenly Adopted

Parent-school communication falls short

I focused in on how business leaders use the BPF and found that getting practices to employees involved too much heavy lifting.


Not aware of newly implemented security technology


Do not receive live updates during active threats


Cannot submit anonymous tips on potential security threats

Parents Want to Know

How can we be updated and engaged with the community to build trust?

  • How does the school handle active threats?

  • Where can I send tips on potential threats anonymously? How do I know if it’s anonymous?

  • When was security technology last updated?

  • Does the school use cameras? What kind? Since when?

  • Does the school have panic buttons for teachers?

  • Can I get up-to-date announcements from law enforcement and school administration during active threats?

    • What do I do during an active threat?

  • How can I help prepare my child for an active threat?


Competitive Analysis

What shape will this feature take?

Most parents rely on their school's website to provide any safety information. The main issue with the current system is that it does not integrate easily with SMS, social media, and other ways parents currently communicate.

Rave Panic Button
Teachers currently use Motorola's Rave Mobile Safety App, but this is built for school staff. This solution wouldn't work for parents.

Smaller details
Each phase in the BPF has multiple practices, so I decided to mirror a Product Management tool's stories and issues.


Create a more effective way for leaders to plan, organize, and distribute gender equality initiatives.

A resourceful Rave Panic Button, but for parents. One platform for parent assurance


Integrating throughout the Best Practices Framework

Cards vs. Tables
Practices needed to be updated to reflect the addition of MyPlan. I explored a check-boxed table approach and one where you add and remove cards. Although the table allows for filtering, it proved to be too complicated compared to adding and removing.

MyPlan Details

Most requests asked for the ability to still export their practices as a PDF, so the MyPlan screen went through multiple revisions to reflect functionality important to those who use the feature. I also added enhancements like "return to phase" and "keep exploring" to help users return to exploring practices while inside MyPlan.

Cart Idea

One of the earlier concepts involved a sidebar cart that slid out for MyPlan. We eventually removed the idea as the pattern resembled a shopping cart too much and added confusion.



After prototyping, the proof of concept went through a few rounds of user testing to ensure refined user journeys.

One major flaw stuck out. Users found MyPlan intuitive, but they had difficulty starting from an empty plan. To use MyPlan effectively, we introduced the Rapid Assessment that takes first time users through a series of questions to pre-populate MyPlan for them.

Small Details

Adding to MyPlan from the Assessment
Early concepts of Onboarding Results had a 'suggested reading' below answers to the assessment. Later, we incorporated the practices into the answers for a more streamlined appearance and added the ability to add all suggestions.


My Plan

For developer handoff and product launch, I created a comprehensive and responsive high fidelity prototype.


The length and result of the assessment was determined through usability testing where we found a comprehensive quiz and actionable results page made the most sense.

Assessment in Progress

Assessment Results


Practices are easily added and removed throughout the Framework.

Style Guide

I compiled the BPF into a cohesive style and identity for the Best Practices Framework to be used in desktop, mobile, presentation, and other media.

Design System

The Best Practices Framework was added to Engendering Industries' existing design system, which I also led. I was responsible for creating the overarching site's comprehensive and responsive design system. It involved 0-to-1 identity, designing styles for all template pages, and delegating tasks to graphic designers.


For my first major product release, I held the majority of responsibility for design. I realized understanding the BPF was crucial for change, and how important simply reading it and meeting with its authors can be. I learned when to be firm and confident while presenting to stakeholders, something that will continue throughout my career. I also learned to trust my coworkers; this MVP would not have been released without collaboration from other designers and members on my team.

In 2024, we transformed the BPF into a digital product and re-imagined how leaders organize and share these resources with employees. I received support and guidance from my Creative Director, CEO, Director of Project Management, and the entirety of the client's team. I took on many unfamiliar challenges in this project and am thankful for all the help I received!

Get in Touch


Ethan leads and supports product lifecycles from strategy to launch. He has experiences crafting user experiences, identities, and seamless digital interactions. This portfolio is a reflection of the current work of Ethan Watson

Providing parents the ability to keep themselves and their child safe from school security threats

Preparing parents to deal with school security threats

Accommodating parents to help make schools a safer place

Safety Spotlight Concept at Motorola Solutions


School safety threats grow in frequency each year, and Motorola Solutions continues to innovate on security technology to protect students and staff. However, there lacks proper communication to parents about what school security technology and processes are in place. They're often times not aware of safety procedures which leads to numerous hazards like driving to a school during an active threat. I designed a platform that keeps parents in-the-loop with school security before, during, and after an active threat.


Product Designer, UX Researcher


1 week



I started by exploring two reports to learn about current school security challenges.

Motorola Solutions

K-12 School Safety 2023 Survey Report

PEW Research

U.S. School Security Procedures have Become More Widespread in Recent Years but are Still Unevenly Adopted

Parent-school communication falls short

I focused in on how business leaders use the BPF and found that getting practices to employees involved too much heavy lifting.


Not aware of newly implemented security technology


Do not receive live updates during active threats


Cannot submit anonymous tips on potential security threats

Parents Want to Know

How can we be updated and engaged with the community to build trust?

  • How does the school handle active threats?

  • Where can I send tips on potential threats anonymously? How do I know if it’s anonymous?

  • When was security technology last updated?

  • Does the school use cameras? What kind? Since when?

  • Does the school have panic buttons for teachers?

  • Can I get up-to-date announcements from law enforcement and school administration during active threats?

    • What do I do during an active threat?

  • How can I help prepare my child for an active threat?


Competitive Analysis

What shape will this feature take?

Most parents rely on their school's website to provide any safety information. The main issue with the current system is that it does not integrate easily with SMS, social media, and other ways parents currently communicate.

Rave Panic Button
Teachers currently use Motorola's Rave Mobile Safety App, but this is built for school staff. This solution wouldn't work for parents.

Smaller details
Each phase in the BPF has multiple practices, so I decided to mirror a Product Management tool's stories and issues.


Create a more effective way for leaders to plan, organize, and distribute gender equality initiatives.

A resourceful Rave Panic Button, but for parents. One platform for parent assurance


Integrating throughout the Best Practices Framework

Cards vs. Tables
Practices needed to be updated to reflect the addition of MyPlan. I explored a check-boxed table approach and one where you add and remove cards. Although the table allows for filtering, it proved to be too complicated compared to adding and removing.

MyPlan Details

Most requests asked for the ability to still export their practices as a PDF, so the MyPlan screen went through multiple revisions to reflect functionality important to those who use the feature. I also added enhancements like "return to phase" and "keep exploring" to help users return to exploring practices while inside MyPlan.

Cart Idea

One of the earlier concepts involved a sidebar cart that slid out for MyPlan. We eventually removed the idea as the pattern resembled a shopping cart too much and added confusion.



After prototyping, the proof of concept went through a few rounds of user testing to ensure refined user journeys.

One major flaw stuck out. Users found MyPlan intuitive, but they had difficulty starting from an empty plan. To use MyPlan effectively, we introduced the Rapid Assessment that takes first time users through a series of questions to pre-populate MyPlan for them.

Small Details

Adding to MyPlan from the Assessment
Early concepts of Onboarding Results had a 'suggested reading' below answers to the assessment. Later, we incorporated the practices into the answers for a more streamlined appearance and added the ability to add all suggestions.


My Plan

For developer handoff and product launch, I created a comprehensive and responsive high fidelity prototype.


The length and result of the assessment was determined through usability testing where we found a comprehensive quiz and actionable results page made the most sense.

Assessment in Progress

Assessment Results


Practices are easily added and removed throughout the Framework.

Style Guide

I compiled the BPF into a cohesive style and identity for the Best Practices Framework to be used in desktop, mobile, presentation, and other media.

Design System

The Best Practices Framework was added to Engendering Industries' existing design system, which I also led. I was responsible for creating the overarching site's comprehensive and responsive design system. It involved 0-to-1 identity, designing styles for all template pages, and delegating tasks to graphic designers.


For my first major product release, I held the majority of responsibility for design. I realized understanding the BPF was crucial for change, and how important simply reading it and meeting with its authors can be. I learned when to be firm and confident while presenting to stakeholders, something that will continue throughout my career. I also learned to trust my coworkers; this MVP would not have been released without collaboration from other designers and members on my team.

In 2024, we transformed the BPF into a digital product and re-imagined how leaders organize and share these resources with employees. I received support and guidance from my Creative Director, CEO, Director of Project Management, and the entirety of the client's team. I took on many unfamiliar challenges in this project and am thankful for all the help I received!

Get in Touch


Ethan leads and supports product lifecycles from strategy to launch. He has experiences crafting user experiences, identities, and seamless digital interactions. This portfolio is a reflection of the current work of Ethan Watson